Phew. Those last 3 posts were exhausting. I’m now in mood for writing something motivating. Why am I so motivated with AdSense?
You know that I just got 0.57 dollar for the first month. It’s definitely horrible. But now I’m still adsensing my blog. Why? And why did I choose to adsense?
It started when I read some articles about adsense on an Indonesian site, Ilmu ( (English: Computer Knowledge). At that time I already knew about adsense, but I’m not really interested. But the articles change my mind!
I’m now in Germany. I’m provided with internet, 24/7 (it’s not like in my country, which internet is so limited (limited bandwidth, limited speed, and limited quota) and very expensive). It would be somewhat stupid if I don’t take advantage of it.
But why am I so motivated? Now, there are only 2 things in this world that can make me motivated: Girl and money. Of course, in this case it’s the money.
“Di Indonesia sendiri, sudah ada beberapa orang yang meraih komisi diatas 10.000 dolar per bulan, yang dapat ribuan dolar sudah banyak, apalagi yang cuma ratusan.”
(English: In Indonesia, there are some people who get 5 digits commission. There are a lot of people who get 4 digits commission. 3 digits commission is out of question)
Wow.. 3 digits.. 4 digits.. 5 digits..
I like money. You like it too, don’t you?
But I know, it wouldn’t be that easy. Nothing’s instant. Well, there are instant noodle, instant rice, and instant porridge. But this time it’s not instant.
Before I started adsense, I was looking for some articles related to adsense. I want to be ready when I start it. Then I saw this picture from an Indonesian site, Cosa (
As you can see, until the 3rd month, the revenue didn’t even reach 100 dollar! But you can see the next months. Wow! On the 6th month it almost reached 1,400 dollar!
So, it’s not instant! It requires hard work! (But I am undeniably special case, because I’m so lazy and lack of luck. For me, it requires extra hard work^^)
It’s not instant! But if you like money, you should go for it!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Why I Do AdSense
Posted by
4:55 AM
Labels: Motivation
Types of AdSense
There are 4 products of AdSense. There are ad units, ad links, adsense for search, and referral.
We can put maximum 3 ad units, 3 ad links, 2 Google AdSense for search, and 3 referrals on a page. Like you see on this page, there are 3 ad units (2 ad images on the left, and 1 on the bottom), 2 ad links (under the header’s banner and on the footer), 1 Google AdSense for search, and 3 referrals (those ads for AdSense, AdWords, and Firefox with Google toolbar).
-Ad Units
Actually it could be displayed as text links or images. But I myself prefer as images. Well, it could be different in every case, but in my case on my blog (, the images are more eyes-catching and that makes people more interested to click it. You should test it by yourself, to know what kind of ad units are more suitable for your site (so, if you have blogger, just copy the code like usual (from the adsense site), instead use the instant way provided by blogger, so that you can add a channel on it.). I use the wide vertical skyscraper more because I use blog. People are usually scrolling down to read my content. I use the large square too, because people said that it has the most click rate
Usually the most effective placement is on the left sidebar on above.
But if keep this in mind:
-Wide is always better, regardless it is vertical or horizontal.
-No border!
But this is the most important thing: You don’t want your ads look like ads! You want the ads look like additional information for your content!
It’s not like deceiving people. But nobody interested in ads (just before they know what the ad is talking about). So you want to make them interested with the ads!
-Ad Links
Well, I myself don’t like it. I have never seen the power of ad links. With minimum information, and limited space, I never think people would click it. But I think there is nothing wrong with optimize it.
Just like I said before, wide is always better, and no border!
-Google AdSense for Search
Why do we put search box on our sites? Of course, it’s because it makes money. But why search?
Most likely our sites don’t provide every single thing. There must be some visitor who come to our sites and didn’t find what they’re looking for.
That’s why we provide a search box.
Just like usual, no border!
Where should we place the search box? Some people put it on left above, right above, or on the bottom. You should test it, where is more suitable for your site.
This one is not paid per click. It only gives you money if the visitors do a certain thing with the products (for example downloading, or signing up).
You might receive payment 1 time every year.
Some people trying to optimize it by writing some article related to it
Posted by
4:06 AM
Labels: Definition
Saturday, July 28, 2007
There are some mistakes you can make with AdSense, but the stupidest mistake is clicking your own ads! Google knows your identity, your IP-Address, your location, your frequency, etc. BIG BROTHER (GOOGLE-SAMA) IS WATCHING US!
Not even once!!
There are some people who tested their ads. They wanted to know if the ads work. Yes, it works! Of course it works! Then they got banned!
The banned guy: I was just starting AdSense, now I get banned (T_T) .. What should I do? ( >_<)
Abi: Nothing. Sorry dude^^. Say good bye to AdSense (;^_^)
So, do not,,, Do Not,,, DO NOT!! DO NOT CLICK YOUR OWN ADS!!
And do not encourage people to click your ads!
Do not deceive people so that they click your ads!
No Trick!
You don’t want your account get banned, that means you will not do that!! I hope you understand english so you won't do that.
Posted by
2:45 AM
Labels: Mistakes
What AdSense is
A conversation on Yahoo!Messenger
Abi: Hey friend! What’s up? How are you doing?
Friend: Yeah, I’m good. A little bit desperate with my study and love, but I’m OK. And you?
Abi: Yeah. Love doesn’t bother me. I don’t have any girlfriend so I don’t have any problem with it (I don’t, do I?). About the exam, I hope I could make it. But I think I’m concentrating in AdSense too.
Friend: Wow.. That sounds cool!
Abi: Yeah, I think it wouldn’t be bad if I have some revenue from it. It’s free after all.
Friend: Well, Well.. I think you’re doing it well. By the way, can I ask you something?
Abi: Of course!
Friend: What is the adsense you’re talking about?
Abi: eh?
Friend: What is that adsense?
Abi: ?!?
Dude! You’re online every day, browsing the sites every day, and you don’t know what adsense is?!?!
Hahahaha.. I should tell that to myself 1 year ago.
Well, we were all beginner after all (but I am a beginner, I’m a NOOB), so it’s not that embarrassing. But it’s quite a mistake, unless you don’t like money.
So what is adsense exactly?
Assuming someone has a website. He wants to advertise his website/product/company. Then he will go to the Google AdWords to advertise it (They pay for it of course). Then Google will have a lot of websites to advertise. It’s uncountable. Therefore Google needs many websites which wants to display the ads.
Google creates a program called Google AdSense, which is allowing people to let their site to display ads. The people, whose site’s displaying ads, will get a certain amount of money every time the ads are clicked by someone. The amount of the money the publisher per click (pay per click (PPC)) is depending on the keywords of the ads (from 0.01 to 60 dollar). So depending on the traffic and how the ads are arranged, someone could even get more than 10,000 dollar every month, or even more.
You can see on this blog, there are some ads with the note “ads by Google”. Yes, this blog is AdSensed. And if any of you click it, I will get money (which I don’t know how much it is). But don’t click it unless you’re really interested with it, OK?
(Yeah, that’s the rule. You may not encouraging people to click your own ads! The Big Brother (Google-sama) is watching us! You may not encouraging people to click your ads, you may not click your own ads (not even once!), you may not deceive the visitor to click your ads, and the others fishy tricks are prohibited by Google! If your account’s get cancelled by Google, you can’t make another account. In other words, “bye bye Google adsense (TT_TT) “. So, no trick!)
So what do you do now? That’s right! You sign up for AdSense right now! Yes, right now!
You don’t have any website? Go to blogger ( Create a blog! Why blogger? Why not Wordpress, or the other? Blogger belongs to Google, so you will definitely accepted by Google. (If you want to adsense your other websites, you don’t need to sign up again. Just copy-paste the code)
Now you understand what AdSense is. (If you have some questions, please feel free to ask).
So, good luck! I hope you don’t run out of luck like me hahaha.
Posted by
2:29 AM
Labels: Definition
Friday, July 27, 2007
My Mistakes part 1
ok, I'm actualy busy with my study, because of the exam. So I think I'll just write some short posts.
this is my biggest mistake I've ever made with adsense:
I wasn't not taking adsense seriously! BIG MISTAKE.
I'm not writing every day. I should, but I don't... ckckck BIG MISTAKE.
I think I did it seriously (I always ask about adsense, watching some tutorials, reading some articles, etc) but it's not good enough. I have to write everyday.
Why? because I write blog! It's not a site with much content in it. It's not a forum with members who write the content. But I write the content all by myself (I hate copy-pasting, so I don't do it (I think you guys shouldn't do it too))
I need traffic to increase my earning (since my PPC is just about 0,01 to 0,4 dollar). But I don't write every day. That makes people run away.
Posted by
8:43 PM
Labels: Mistakes
Monday, July 23, 2007
hohoho oh yeah... -_-
It has been about a month since I start adsense (you can see my only adsensed blog at it's 0,57 F dollar!!! what have I done??? I also told and taught one of my friend about adsense, and he got 7 dollar! believe it or not, I've got more traffic than he got. so why??? why is this happened to me??? what mistakes did I do? and above all, why do I choose to adsense my blog and (try to) get serious with my blog?? well, I'll tell you in the next post. just wait.^^
how much money I got do you expect?
it wouldn't be so much in the first month. so how much?10 dollar? or 50 maybe?
look at this picture!
Posted by
7:37 PM
Labels: Motivation
Thursday, July 19, 2007
how a noob play adsense
hohoho... I create this blog on purposes:
-to make sure you know that adsense is not an easy way or a shortcut. It requires hard work!
-to tell you the trick, the tips, etc.
I hope I will be successful at adsense and you can see how I try from the zero-point.
Posted by
5:07 PM