Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Click Exchange, Why We Shouldn't Do That

Click Exchange. I myself hate those words.

But first, before we discuss it, I’ll tell you what click exchange is.

Google tell us not to click our own ads. And Google doesn’t allow us to tell people to click our ads.

But if we tell someone we know to click our ads, Google wouldn’t know that.

Asking people to click your ads, then you click their ads. That is click exchange.

Google wouldn’t know that, well, it might be true. It works actually, but I still wouldn’t do that. And I hate people who do that. Well, not hate actually, I just can’t think like they think.

I believe you people don’t understand why I don’t do click exchange, although my earning doesn’t even reach 1 dollar.

Ok, why we shouldn’t do click exchange:

1. Less Money.
How much will you get from click exchange? Is it 10 dollar? Is it 20 dollar? One thing I know, it wouldn’t earn much money, because your time is very limited. Well I don’t know about you guys, but I have no interest in 2 digits earning. I don’t know about you, but I’m aiming for 4 and 5 digits earning. 2 digits earning is meaningless for me, although I wouldn’t waste it.

2. If you stop, your money will stop too.
It will stop! That's for sure. And how long will you do that? That’s boring! You wouldn’t get rich if you do that stupid and boring thing! Asking some people too click your ads, clicking their ads, asking, clicking, asking, clicking, asking, clicking, asking, clicking, asking, clicking, asking, clicking, asking, clicking, asking, and clicking. Man, that’s super boring!!! And that will not give you a lot of money!

3. You’ll ruin your channel.
I’ve told you to test your sites and ads with channel, so that you know which channel gets clicked naturally. But if somebody click your ads unnaturally, your channels will be useless! You will not be able to analyze your ads! Testing is very important to be success in AdSense. You want to be rich, so don’t ruin your channels!

4. It's not right to steal!
You’re not benefiting your clients (the advertisers). They advertise on your website so that there will be some interested people go to their websites. If you ask someone to click your ads, the money given to you is worthless. In other words, you steal money from them. I don’t think this is the right way to do. If you're religious, stealing is a sin. Always think of win/win solution!

5. Worst case: Get banned.
You’re asking people to click your ads. There is brute version of me (who doesn’t like your way and really hate you). This man tells Google about what you have done. Then you get banned, no more AdSense! (But don’t worry, I don’t do this. I am a nice and kind person^^)

So I’m begging you. Please, don’t exchange click.

But if you still want to do it, I think you should stop reading my blog. My blog doesn't suit that kind of people.

Adsense is serious business. So, do it seriously. This is not an easy way to get money.

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