I know I have told you what content you should make before, but I forgot something to tell you.
-Most professional blogger have multiple blog to write. Of course he should write it (Don’t copy paste another’s writing! I’ll tell you why). But imagine that you should write 100 posts (20 blogs, 5 each) every week. Let’s cut Saturday and Sunday. That means you have just 5 days. And every day you should write 20 posts.
I myself need 15 minutes to 1 hour to create just 1 post. It will be very time consuming. +If you want people to keep reading your blog, you should do this all over the time. You’ll never be able to get passive income.
The solution: Write post that will last!
Write post that people want to read all the time. You create 5 to 10 blog. Write every day! Until the blog has 30 posts, create a new blog. It will be fine if you don’t write the old blog, because you created posts that will last. But once in a time (once or twice a week), you could update it, so that your regular reader could enjoy your blog.
But it's also important to write something warm and new, so that people will look for it.
-Write what people want to read! There are so many blogs that always talking about their life, their boyfriend/girlfriend, their classmates, etc. I myself will not bother to read it. Why should I care about their classmates??
Ok, it’s not wrong if you write like that. But it can’t be monetized. People who will read it are only your friends and your family.
Write what people want to read! Write content with useful information!
Thursday, August 30, 2007
content that will last and be read
Posted by
10:00 AM
Labels: Optimization
Thursday, August 23, 2007
First Step to Find Traffic
Now I assume you already have at least a website, you have signed up for AdSense, the design is fine, and you already have put some ads on your website.
So, what’s next?
After you build a “store”, you should find the “customers”. In this case, it means you should make people to visit your website.
There are some ways to gain traffic to your site, some of them which I know are:
-The most conventional way is by putting link to your site on another sites. You can also do link exchange with your friends.
-The most important thing is registering your website to search engine. Go to Google Webmaster. Register your site, don’t forget to authenticate and put the sitemap.
-If you got feed for your site, register your site on FeedBurner and complete the optimization steps.
-Register your site to some directories and top sites. And join the community.
Later I’ll give you the details.
Posted by
2:45 AM
Labels: Optimization, SEO, Traffic
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Content to Create
I think this is important. What content should we make? Most of us will start a blog to write. (But if you don't like to write, writing a blog could be a problem for you. In that case you might prefer to build a non-blog website (tools, community, forum, etc))
But sometimes we don’t know what to write in a blog. The answer is: Anything. But you can always choose what kind of site you want to build. Is it a general niche website, or a targeted niche website? And you can always build another one after the other. So don’t sweat over this. If you have any idea, just write on your notepad, and create it after you go home.
But if I can suggest, I will suggest you to write:
-Anything you like and anything you have mastered. Why? Because what ever you do, it wouldn’t be easy. You should like it. Otherwise you will get bored or give up before you succeed. Every success is certain, just if you don’t give up before.
-If it possible, create HPK contents. HPK stands for High Paying Keyword. Like I said before, every keyword has a different PPC, and usually finance related phrases keywords (loans, insurances, etc) have bigger PPC.
So what are those keywords? I’ll tell you next time.
Posted by
3:58 AM
Labels: Optimization
Monday, August 20, 2007
The Power of Investing
Well, I think it’s out of topic, but still, I want to write it.
I want to analyze which type of income is AdSense in cash flow quadrant (wrote by Robert T. Kiyosaki) (Although it has been critized by many people, I still think I'll write it, without telling you to stop working)
But, before that, I’ll tell you about the difference between rich and poor people.
Kiyosaki believes that the thing that makes difference between rich people and poor people is investment. Poor people never bother to invest their money. Rich people used to invest, so that after one point, their passive income will surpass the expenses.
What does investing mean? Investing means “buy” assets. An asset is everything that could make you money. For example, you buy a house, and then you lease the house, so that the house earns you money.
Contrary to asset, liability is everything that takes money from you. For example, you buy a television. Because of the television, you have to pay electricity bill. If you sell the television, the price is cheaper than when you buy it.
Poor people never bother to buy assets. They spending money on expenses and buy more liability. They need to work hard to cover their expenses. If they got raise, they will buy even more liability instead of asset. Because of that, they should work even harder to cover the expenses.
Unlike poor people, rich people always try to buy asset. They buy asset after another asset, until those assets make them more money than they need to cover their expenses. They could live, even if they don’t go to work. Money is not a problem for them, because of that they can concentrate to reach their dream instead of thinking of financial problem.
Assuming you are now working on a company. Should you stop to go to work? No! If you want, you do it, but if you don't want to, don't do it. The key is just investing, not resigning from your company.
Posted by
6:44 AM
Labels: Motivation
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Click Exchange, Why We Shouldn't Do That
Click Exchange. I myself hate those words.
But first, before we discuss it, I’ll tell you what click exchange is.
Google tell us not to click our own ads. And Google doesn’t allow us to tell people to click our ads.
But if we tell someone we know to click our ads, Google wouldn’t know that.
Asking people to click your ads, then you click their ads. That is click exchange.
Google wouldn’t know that, well, it might be true. It works actually, but I still wouldn’t do that. And I hate people who do that. Well, not hate actually, I just can’t think like they think.
I believe you people don’t understand why I don’t do click exchange, although my earning doesn’t even reach 1 dollar.
Ok, why we shouldn’t do click exchange:
1. Less Money.
How much will you get from click exchange? Is it 10 dollar? Is it 20 dollar? One thing I know, it wouldn’t earn much money, because your time is very limited. Well I don’t know about you guys, but I have no interest in 2 digits earning. I don’t know about you, but I’m aiming for 4 and 5 digits earning. 2 digits earning is meaningless for me, although I wouldn’t waste it.
2. If you stop, your money will stop too.
It will stop! That's for sure. And how long will you do that? That’s boring! You wouldn’t get rich if you do that stupid and boring thing! Asking some people too click your ads, clicking their ads, asking, clicking, asking, clicking, asking, clicking, asking, clicking, asking, clicking, asking, clicking, asking, clicking, asking, and clicking. Man, that’s super boring!!! And that will not give you a lot of money!
3. You’ll ruin your channel.
I’ve told you to test your sites and ads with channel, so that you know which channel gets clicked naturally. But if somebody click your ads unnaturally, your channels will be useless! You will not be able to analyze your ads! Testing is very important to be success in AdSense. You want to be rich, so don’t ruin your channels!
4. It's not right to steal!
You’re not benefiting your clients (the advertisers). They advertise on your website so that there will be some interested people go to their websites. If you ask someone to click your ads, the money given to you is worthless. In other words, you steal money from them. I don’t think this is the right way to do. If you're religious, stealing is a sin. Always think of win/win solution!
5. Worst case: Get banned.
You’re asking people to click your ads. There is brute version of me (who doesn’t like your way and really hate you). This man tells Google about what you have done. Then you get banned, no more AdSense! (But don’t worry, I don’t do this. I am a nice and kind person^^)
So I’m begging you. Please, don’t exchange click.
But if you still want to do it, I think you should stop reading my blog. My blog doesn't suit that kind of people.
Adsense is serious business. So, do it seriously. This is not an easy way to get money.
Posted by
12:33 PM
Labels: Mistakes
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Ads Positioning
But where should you place the ads?
The answer is where the position is, that have the highest CTR (Click-through Rate. It means how many times people click it divide by page impression.). It’s because the performance on each place is different.
But where?
See this image.

This is the “heat map”. The colors fade from dark orange (strongest performance) to light yellow (weakest performance). That means you should place the ads on the dark orange, and put fewer ads on the light yellow.
But remember, this may not suitable on your website, since every websites are unique. But generally, it works.
Placing the ads like that heat map is a good idea. But it would be even wonderful if you look for the placing that suitable for your site. How? By testing it!
-Watch the earning on every channel. Compare them!
-Pretend to be your website’s visitor. Analyze how you look at on your website. Is the website comfortable? What you look first? What you look last? What do you see? What will you see next? What will you never see? Can you see the ads? Do the ads look like ads? Are the ads interesting?
Posted by
3:30 AM
Labels: Optimization
Friday, August 10, 2007
Section Targeting Feature
Now I’ll tell you how I solved my problem.
How? By using section targeting feature, we can tell the crawler which contents are important, which contents are to ignore.
How we could use section targeting feature?
By implementing this HTML tag on your page with this format (please change all the "]" and the "[" into ">" and "<"):
[!-- google_ad_section_start --]
[!-- google_ad_section_end --]
For example:
This is my content but I don’t want to target it… bla bla bla blab la bla blabl abl abla blabla blablabl abl labl ablabl.
Bla bla bla..
[!-- google_ad_section_start --]
This is my content that I want to target. And this is important, I want the ads to display anything related to this paragraphs… blab la bla blabl abl abla blabla
Bla blab la..
[!-- google_ad_section_end --]
And this is another section that I don’t want to target. Bla blab la..
If you want to tell the crawler some contents to ignore, you can implement this format:
[!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) --]
[!-- google_ad_section_end --]
Bla bla bla..
[!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) --]
This is the content that I don’t want any of the ads showing this. Bla bla bla ..
[!-- google_ad_section_end --]
This is the contents that are fine to be displayed on the ads.. bla bla bla..
Are all clear?
By implementing this section targeting feature, we would have 3 level of content: Important content, neutral content, and content to ignore.
But don’t use the tag to target just a few words. It wouldn’t work.
After you implement the tag, please wait for 48 hours before it takes effect.
note: please change all the "]" and the "[" into ">" and "<"
Posted by
1:13 AM
Labels: Optimization
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Why Your Ads Aren't Relevant
Now I’ll fulfill my promise. I’ll tell you why your ads aren’t relevant.
Is it a problem? It’s just ads after all. Why bother?
Big mistake! When I first do the AdSense, my problem is: I updated my blog, my traffic is fine, but no one clicks my ads (at that time all of my ads have no image). Why? Then I realized, it would be even strange if my visitors click the ads. Because the ads are about crimes, cases, investigations, etc. Why? On that time I was talking about Death Note. There are so many words that related to crimes, cases, investigation, detective, etc. As I told you before, AdSense Crawler will try to find the relation between those words. There is no way anime fans would click those FBI and CIA ads^^
But that’s not the only reason why your ads aren’t relevant. There are some reason why your ads aren’t relevant:
-The crawler hasn’t crawled your site. It needs around 2 days before you can see the result. So be patient.
-The crawler cannot reach your website. But don’t worry, if this happens, you would receive an error report, and they will tell you what you should do.
-The website’s behind a login. If you want to access a website behind a login, you should enter a username and the password. The crawler doesn’t have those, and that makes the crawler unable to reach you site.
-Illegal content! (But sometimes there are porn sites with relevant ads because it’s not in English hahaha) After all, illegal content could mean you will be banned.
-The AdSense code was placed within an IFRAME. The crawler is not optimized to serve ads within a separate IFRAME. For better results, implement the ad code directly into the source of your webpage.
- Last reason, my problem, your site may have not enough content (if the content are all mp3 or image, the crawler can’t read those file!) or unfocused content (or disambiguated content). So, how did I solve my problem? With “section targeting feature”, which I’ll explain tomorrow^^.
Posted by
4:35 AM
Labels: Optimization
Thursday, August 2, 2007
How Crawler Works
Just like I promised, I will tell you why your ads aren’t relevant. But before that I will now tell you how the crawler knows the content of a page. A crawler is a machine that will read and indicate the content of the pages. Actually it just reads every word. And it will find the relation between each word to know what the content is.
Basic example:
These are 3 pages with the word “Java” with different content.
Page #1 has the words: “Java”, “C++”, “Programming”, and “Computer”.
Page #2 has the words: “Java”, “Beans”, “Coffee”, and “Cup”.
Page #3 has the words: “Java”, “Island”, and “Indonesia”
Crawler will consider the 1st page is talking about programming language. So maybe there will be ads like “Java Tutorials”, “C++ Programming”, etc.
The 2nd page will be considered talking about coffee drink. So maybe there will be ads like “Quality Beans”, “Cheap Coffee”, etc.
The 3rd page will be considered talking about my homeland^^ (Yes, I used to live in java). So maybe there will be ads like “A Tour in Java Towns”, “Hotel in Yogyakarta”, “Javanese Culture”, etc.
The crawler report is updated weekly. So please be patient
There are 2 crawlers: Google crawler and AdSense crawler (Additionally there is also Sitemaps crawler but let’s put this thing aside for now). They work separate but they will not requesting the same page twice (so that the publisher will not run out of bandwidth). But it will request the site without “www” and with “www” separately. AdSense crawler will only access URLs that request Google AdSense. Those crawlers will only access the original pages.
The crawler won't access pages or directories prohibited by a robots.txt file (robots.txt will prevent the crawler accessing pages which are unnecessary to crawl)
Posted by
8:41 PM
Labels: Definition
Pay per Click Estimate
How much money will you get if someone clicks your ads?
The answer is depends on the keywords of the ads.
Actually this is not the publisher’s concern. But sometimes we wonder how much money we will get per click. Some even tested it by themselves.. hahahahaha…
Actually we wouldn’t know until it’s clicked. Even if it’s clicked, we don’t know which ad that is, since the ad always changes, and different on every country. Even the keywords will always change, if we change the content. (If I’m wrong, please tell me. It would be very helpful)
But if you want know how much is the estimate amount of the money we will get, we can use Google AdWords.
Eh?! AdWords? That is for advertising, right? I’m not going to advertise anything! Don’t worry.. We will just test it, without signing up.
-First go to this Google AdWords link: http://adwords.google.com/
-Then click “Get Keyword Ideas”
-On tab “Keyword variation”, enter the keyword you want to check.
-Type the random characters on the image
-Choose data to display: “cost and ad position estimates”
-Write 80 Dollar for maximum amount
-Then click “Get More Keywords”
Usually, a “money related” and profitable keywords will cost higher price. For example, loan, bank, insurance, etc.
So, if you write a blog with contents related to it, you might earn some money. (But don’t forget, it requires hard work and many content. If you don’t understand or don’t enjoy it, you might give up before you succeed.)
And usually a phrase will cost higher price than a single keyword.
But that is just an estimate. It’s the cost that the advertiser will pay, not the publisher will get. We should consider that Google will get money from the advertiser too.
We should also consider that not every ad is available for every keyword. If you see a keyword phrase with high cost, it might be just one advertiser. If the advertiser stops advertising, we wouldn’t get that keyword.
Sometimes on my blog, the ads aren’t relevant. Why? I’ll tell you on the next post.
Posted by
1:50 AM
Labels: Optimization
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Content is King
I’ve said before that my biggest mistake is not updating my blog everyday.
Why is it important to update our blog/website?
If we don’t have any content, what would they read? What will make them go to our site?
It’s simple, right?
Please see this picture
This is a table from http://www.hittail.com/ , it could trace all keywords on search engine that displays your site as the result. (on this table it display http://orenoanime.blogspot.com/ as result)
You can see that most of them aren’t popular keywords, at least they are not “ore no anime”, “anime review” or “anime news”. Some even misspelled.
After see this table, I realized how content be so important (because I don’t write much before).
Conclusion #1: The more content on your site, the more keywords will display your site. =more traffic=more page rank= even more traffic
Actually, to make traffic, writing is not the only way. You can make a download page, or some facility (forum, video streaming, community page, etc).
But at blogging we can only just write quality writing.
If you write a good writing (helpful, informative, actual, frequently updated, etc) , people would love to read your content. They will go to your site frequently. They will promote your site to the other
Conclusion #2: Quality content makes people love to go to your site. That means more traffic=more page rank=even more traffic.
So write, write and write!
At the end the conclusion is: Content is King!
It definitely requires hard work. So don’t stop! No pain, no gain!
Write everyday
Btw, to increase your content’s quality, you could add some picture related to your content, or maybe some embed video.
One more, please don’t copy-paste other’s writing. It could be trouble if the one who write the writing gets mad. Some said not good for SEO (search engine optimization) too, because search engine would prevent crawl the same page. If you got a same paragraph like another site, it will consider that your site had been crawled. Actually the algorithm is more complicated, but to prevent trouble please don’t copy-paste.
Posted by
7:45 PM
Labels: Optimization, SEO, Traffic